In the heart of downtown Fishers, a revolutionary concept in education has taken shape, bringing to life the ambitious dream of Dainen Tolman, the visionary Director of K-12 education. With the grand opening of “A Learning MINDSET,” Tolman’s dream has transformed into an awe-inspiring reality that promises to reshape how we perceive and deliver education. […]

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In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the traditional office concept has undergone a significant transformation. The rise of hybrid work models, combining remote and in-office work, has become the new norm. To adapt to this changing paradigm, forward-thinking companies seek innovative solutions that blend technology and physical spaces seamlessly. One such remarkable partnership between […]

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In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the traditional office concept has undergone a significant transformation. The rise of hybrid work models, combining remote and in-office work, has become the new norm. To adapt to this changing paradigm, forward-thinking companies seek innovative solutions that blend technology and physical spaces seamlessly. One such remarkable partnership between […]

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That’s why the Business Furniture + Co Business Development team thrives in the hustle and bustle of a city work neighborhood. The “city” neighborhood is close to the action and provides a vibrant environment that fuels their energy and drive.

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Hybrid workplaces should draw inspiration from the neighborhoods in which we love and want to be. The best neighborhoods create a sense of belonging and have diverse private and public spaces, where our homes must provide sanctuary amidst a bustling community.

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Hybrid workplaces should draw inspiration from the neighborhoods in which we love and want to be. The best neighborhoods create a sense of belonging and have diverse private and public spaces, where our homes must provide sanctuary amidst a bustling community.

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An interview with Business Furniture higher education designers on hybrid learning and how universities are tackling the topic.

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Collaboration plays a vital role in making safety and quality control a team effort at Business Furniture +Co. With Chris Polson and Joe Peters leading the way, the team understands achieving optimal safety standards and maintaining high-quality products and services require collective efforts and input from various team members.

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Collaboration plays a vital role in making safety and quality control a team effort at Business Furniture +Co. With Chris Polson and Joe Peters leading the way, the team understands achieving optimal safety standards and maintaining high-quality products and services require collective efforts and input from various team members.

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Business Furniture, a leading provider of innovative workplace solutions, and Choreo, a prominent change management company, are excited to announce their merger, forming Indiana’s largest workplace research team.

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At Business Furniture, we believe it is time to challenge the status quo and explore new ways to enhance client hospitality while empowering our team members. Enter the ever-energetic and best-dressed Cory Rocca, our Client Experience Curator, who is leading the charge to reimagine the front desk and create more meaningful interactions in the workplace. 

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At Business Furniture, we believe it is time to challenge the status quo and explore new ways to enhance client hospitality while empowering our team members. Enter the ever-energetic and best-dressed Cory Rocca, our Client Experience Curator, who is leading the charge to reimagine the front desk and create more meaningful interactions in the workplace. 

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The newly renovated Business Furniture + Co social hub sits near the front of the office with a variety of seating options. It’s home to the office baby shower, celebrations, and daily “water cooler” talks.

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Creating a dedicated workspace for HR that is confidential and easily accessible to clients is paramount. It also was a hot topic for the Business Furniture HR team in our new office design.

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Creating a dedicated workspace for HR that is confidential and easily accessible to clients is paramount. It also was a hot topic for the Business Furniture HR team in our new office design.

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