Q&A with Designer Ashley Tarak: Designing for Joy in the Workplace

Q: Ashley, what does designing for joy mean to you?

Ashley: Designing for joy is about creating spaces that go beyond just functionality. It’s about crafting environments that make people feel good—spaces that delight, inspire, and help reduce stress. In the workplace, this can be transformative. When people enjoy the spaces they work in, it positively impacts their mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

Q: How do you incorporate joy into workplace design?

Ashley: One of the key strategies we use is biophilic design, which involves bringing natural elements into the workspace. Whether it’s through plants, natural wood textures, or water features, these elements help create a sense of calm and connection to nature. This is especially important in today’s fast-paced work environments, where stress can be a significant challenge.

Q: What are some of your favorite design solutions that promote joy?

Ashley: I love using flexible, modular furniture that can adapt to different needs and moods. For example, a cozy nook with soft seating can offer a retreat for focused work or a quick mental break. On the other hand, vibrant, open spaces with playful patterns can energize teams and spark creativity. Lighting is another critical element—natural light is ideal, but warm, adjustable lighting can also mimic the sun’s rhythm, helping to regulate energy levels throughout the day.

Q: Can you share any insights from the Steelcase Work Better magazine that have influenced your approach to design?

Ashley: The research from Steelcase’s Work Better magazine has been incredibly influential. It emphasizes the importance of designing spaces that support well-being across several dimensions—physical, cognitive, and emotional. This holistic approach aligns perfectly with our goal of creating joyful environments. The magazine also highlighted the power of shared spaces, where leaders and employees can interact both formally and informally. These interactions are crucial for fostering a positive company culture, which is closely tied to the experience of joy at work.

Q: What’s the impact of joy-focused design on company culture?

Ashley: Joy-focused design can have a profound impact on company culture. When you create spaces that people love, you’re not just improving their work experience—you’re contributing to a more positive, engaged, and connected workforce. This leads to better collaboration, increased creativity, and a stronger sense of community. In essence, designing for joy helps turn the workplace into a place where people genuinely want to be, which is essential for any thriving company culture.

Q: Finally, why do you believe joy should be a priority in workplace design?

Ashley: Joy should be a priority because it directly influences how people feel and perform at work. When we design with joy in mind, we’re not just creating beautiful spaces—we’re crafting environments that enhance well-being, reduce stress, and ultimately make work a more fulfilling experience. It’s about making sure that the places we spend so much of our time in are not just functional, but truly enjoyable.

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