Shana Legge, Accounts Receivable Specialist

When Shana was in the market for a new job, whether or not the organization offered a hybrid schedule was an important factor. Between her four kids, social life, and work, balance and flexibility were a necessity. Shana's position on the Finance team requires focus, detail and phone calls. While she coordinates her in-office days to match her teams, Shana requires a good amount of alone time to get her administrative tasks complete. So, we had to ask Shana, What's Your Hybrid?
“In the past, it could be a struggle to be an introvert and still wanting to feel a part of a team. Hybrid work finally gives me the best of both worlds, and I feel included whether I am in person or working virtually.”
Shana Legge, Accounts Receivable Specialist
Q: Shana, how long have you worked at Business Furniture + Co?
A: I have been with Business Furniture since November 14th, 2022 – so 4 months!
Q: Do you have a designated home office space?
A: Yes, I do. I have a corner desk in my bedroom that is my designated working space when working my hybrid schedule.
Q: How many days, on average, are you in-person at the office?
A: I have a pretty set schedule, so I am in the office 3 days each week.
Q: What does your typical work week look like?
A: Monday and Friday are my designated work from home days. On these days I tend to do a lot of administrative tasks such as answering emails, reaching out to clients regarding invoices, and posting payments. Tuesday through Thursday I am in the office gathering checks and printing documents.
Q: What is your DISC style?
A: I am a C, which typically places emphasis on quality and accuracy, expertise and competency.
Q: What does “community” mean to you?
A: Community is a group of people working together with common goals and interests. Everyone may come from different backgrounds and walks of life, but all are working together to achieve something great!
Q: Outside of work, how do you find community?
A: Getting to know new people and finding new hobbies is how I find community. I have met some amazing people by simply engaging in conversation with someone new or trying a new activity. When in doubt, create your own community!
Q: Where do YOU do your best work?
A: Whether I’m at home or in the office, my best work is done wherever there is peace and quiet. Some days that means home, and some days that means the office. I like to tune everything out around me and focus on the tasks at hand. I tend to lose focus with too many distractions or noise.
Q: Do you consider yourself more of an introvert or extrovert?
A: For sure an introvert. In the past, it could be a struggle to be an introvert and still wanting to feel a part of a team. Hybrid work finally gives me the best of both worlds, and I feel included whether I am in person or working virtually.
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